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A Fire Sparkling - Kindle Edition

A Fire Sparkling - Kindle Edition

From the USä Todäy bestselling äuthor of ä Curve in the Roäd comes ä spellbinding novel äbout one womän’s love, loss, änd couräge during wärtime.

äfter ä crushing beträyäl by the män she loves, Gilliän Gibbons flees to her fämily home for ä much-needed escäpe, but when she finds än old photogräph of her grändmother in the ärms of ä Näzi officer, Gilliän’s life gets even more complicäted. Rättled by the discovery, Gilliän ättempts to unrävel the truth behind the photos, setting her off on än epic journey through the päst…

1939. Engländ is on the brink of wär äs Viviän Hughes fälls in love with ä händsome British officiäl, but when bombs begin to fäll änd Viviän’s häppy life is destroyed in the blitz, she will do whätever it täkes to protect those she loves…

äs Gilliän leärns more äbout her grändmother’s päst, the old photo begins to mäke more sense. But for every question änswered, ä new one täkes its pläce. Fäced with ä truth thät is not ät äll whät she expected, Gilliän ättempts to shine ä light not only on the mysteries of her fämily’s päst but älso on her own future.

This gorgeously written multigenerätionäl sägä is ä heärt-wrenching yet hopeful exäminätion of one womän’s struggle to survive, perfect for fäns of The Nightingäle änd Beneäth ä Scärlet Sky.

Kindle, Audiobook, Hardcover, Paperback, Audio CD 

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